PISCES: It Was You All Along!

Mundane Tarot update for Pisces for the year ahead…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

You are stepping into a twelve-month period of realisation of opportunities. This is exciting, and also a tad challenging for you. While you are indeed imaginative and can project into an improved future, you may find making things relevant in real time tedious, to say the least. However, at this moment in time, you stand on the brink of taking every skill you have learnt leading the routine life, into visions you have for your future, and making them become real. You just have to focus on the relevance of your ideas in the present moment, and the resources that are currently available. You would be surprised how pleasant it can be to watch your dreams taking material shape, and witness the joy they potentially hold!

For those born on or between 19th February and 29th February:
The year ahead promises a whole lot of actualisation to you. If you decide to show up for this part of the event, then there are two points you need to keep in mind and deal with. First, you might want to check and cross check whether you know enough to take any step which seems even slightly off-beat and bold in your opinion. The news just in is that you do know enough for this moment. You can take your steps and anything else you need to know, you will come to know through the process of doing. Second, you may doubt the veracity of the visions over which your attention hovers, and instead, you may want to choose the ideas that seem more realistic or probable. The news in for this is that your attention is the choosing process, and not a checklist. So go for those visions that attract your attention.
Health will benefit from picking up activities just one step outside your comfort zone.
Finances will be good, even when you doubt it.

For those born on or between 1st March and 10th March:
This year will offer you a long moment of validating everything you have learnt and gleaned from your life so far. Go ahead and interpret all coming moments with your own wisdom. Not only will you be quite on the mark, you will also feel inspired enough to take your understanding forward into applicability in chosen visions. Here is the gateway… choose those visions which seem to encourage and attract you. Trust that it is your preparedness that is vibrating, and not just optimism. A year such as this asks you to trust that you belong in this world and all your points of view are valid. Step up, on step at a time. It is now correct to claim a place in the sun for yourself.
Health will benefit from a moderate increase in routine cardiovascular exercises.
Finances will be good and can become better, with circumspect steps.

For those born on or between 11th March and 20th March:
This year holds the potential for realisation of many of your goals. You have already put in some work, and you are ready. The process and path of reaching goals are now clearly visible to you. What may surprise you, though, is directly experiencing that sometimes, goals are reached only through merit and tenacity. On these occasions, luck does not play any role, and success is equivalent to outcome. The non-physical world is, then, telling you that you are worthy and you deserve success. With this opportunity resting in your mind, go for whatever it is that you desire. Don’t slack off in your efforts, and don’t lose optimism. Currently, there is hardly any person better placed than you are. What doesn’t happen is on a different time-graph.
Health will benefit from consciously engaging with your routine healthcare programme.
Finances are fairly good and stable enough, if you are not impulsive.

How does it get better than that!

AQUARIUS: That Butterfly Effect!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Aquarius…

Happy Birth Anniversary!

You now hear a deep and silent summons to greater things. As humans, most of our adult life appear to be regular and routine into which we settle down and do our bit. However, occasionally, it seems to some of us that we hold keys to certain changes that would impact much more than just ourselves. This year makes you such a key, dear Aquarius. And usually, such keys are invisible… which means, there may not be any accompanying drama or light and sound effects to validate the beginning of a possible large-scale change, but it will be there.
Quietly and deeply, everything that you do and contemplate will develop a significance that will impact and influence much of your own, and others’, life for a long time to come. Whether it is kind word that you decide to speak on one gloomy day, or it is a hunch that you decide to follow through at work, you will begin to bring about far-reaching changes.
You don’t have to look out for it. Some of you may be at a place and time in your life where changes are imminent, whether large or small. Life may appear to be business as usual. If doing something world-changing appeals to you as an idea, then make any effort you can to embody your ideals, and that will be enough.

For those born on or between 20th January and 29th January:
This year promises to assuage some of your angst building from the years past, so, yes, yay! You strive a lot to bring in harmony, according to you. Some of chance events this year will make your striving seem the only way forward, not only to you, but also to other involved with you. This may seem like making a leader of you, though actually, the role is not come to stay. It is for the moment, and is suitable. You can be righting a lot of wrongs and showing many lost ships the port, even if there is no accompanying fanfare. If you are engaged in activities where you don’t get to see obvious effects on people, you will have to take it on faith that you are indeed changing lives. Do keep your focus on your own life and its betterment, as well.
Health will benefit from distinct and planned holidays that take you away from your regular life.
Finances will be in a flux, and edging towards a better state.

For those born on or between 30th January and 8th February:
The year ahead will demand a lot of action from you, and most of the action will be within routine and regular circumstances. Yet, if you keep your ears and eyes open, at some point after a few months have rolled by, you will notice your life is changing, subtly, yet surely. There is no dramatic occurrence, yet everything that happens is building up towards a future with possibilities that are different than earlier envisaged. All of it is still Life, so there is nothing good or bad about this change. If you can introduce being more proactive about your desires, then this year is a good place to start every long-term goal, even the ones you have been putting off. In retrospect, this will be the year when future became present.
Health will benefit from having a health-care routine that includes some mind work.
Finances will be fairly stable, with possibilities of improvement that would need to be exploited.

For those born on or between 9th February and 18th February:
This year promises you much activity and some revelation of treasures through those activities, so right off… do not hesitate to take any action. If you feel unsure, slow down your pace, take help, ask an expert… do whatever it takes to keep doing. You never know where the treasures are, and so, every path is valid. Your intuition will be at an all-time high, and the more humble and grounded you are about how intuition functions, the sharper it will be. It is all for your own improvement, so keep your analytical skills handy, as well. There will be some need to correct courses along the way. Since much of the year will appear routine and humdrum, don’t go hunting for those treasures; instead, trust that they will reveal themselves to you when their time is ripe.
Health will benefit from having a health-care routine of moderate physical activity, with some suitable spiritual practices.
Finances are good, even with occasional tense moments.

How does it get better than that!

CAPRICORN: Well Begun!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Capricorn…

Happy Birth Anniversary!

Be ready and await large scale changes in your background and set-up, dear Capricorn! While nothing will be devastating in any way, all changes that now happen in the next twelve months from your birthday will shift your life in such a way that you might suddenly find yourself in the exact place from where you can make your leap. If you have been already planning and preparing to upgrade your life in some manner, the universe is now getting ready to bring you to that place from where the upgrade is possible, visible and appreciable. If you have been struggling to put things in place, the struggle will reduce significantly and you will have much more resources at your disposal. Given that you have the capacity for focussed and productive work, this year should be right up your alley. You will get the opportunities and help to make your work blossom…

For those born on or between 22nd December and 30th December:
The next twelve months will allow you to use your tremendous potential for activity in directions that you have been wanting to travel. With every step you take, you will have covered larger swathes of ground than you can expect. It would help you to be particularly alert towards details and nuances, to ensure long-term stability for whatever you are set to achieve. If necessary, take help and delegate, as help will be easier available to you now. Make sure to keep your goals in focus, at all times.
Health will benefit from including care for your spirit and mood, with practices that help calm you.
Finances will be good, even with the occasional surprise.

For those born on or between 31st December and 9th January:
You, of all Capricorn, are best equipped to deal with the surging energies of the year coming up. You are proactive, and you also have the vision of a larger picture, which is inclusive. You know the steps you can take, so do take them as the year unfolds. Rush in wherever you see an opportunity. Trust that relevant assistance will appear, and that you will recognise and include them. You might feel overwhelmed at the increased speed of events, so prepare yourself up ahead to deal with the overwhelm. Contextually, this may be a crucial year significant to your life’s journey. So, breath deeply and keep going.
Health will benefit from spiritist practices, long walks in the open, and planned contemplative silences.
Finances will be good, with regular upkeep and attention adding to it.

For those born on or between 10th January and 19th January:
The year coming up is encouraging you to be far more active and progressive than you normally are. You have access to resources, in general, and you know their proper utility. However, this is a year when you have to make far more moves by yourself than you are used to, and that may be a tad difficult for you, unless you mentally gird yourself to it. In my honest opinion, you stand to gain more than you imagine, if you do, so go for it. Use all of your resources available to match your journey with your ambitions… fearlessly. Resources don’t run out. Opportunities do. Even if the effort to be proactive seems unusual, try it for the benefits it will unfold this year.
Health will benefit from regular short routines of brisk physical activities.
Finances are good, even when times seem challenging. Do not fear.

How does it get better than that!

SAGITTARIUS: Innerventure!!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Sagittarius…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

You are famed among the zodiac signs for being adventurous in nature. However, what most people don’t know about you is that your adventures are as internal as they can be external. In fact, you are keenly aware of how much there is to explore, learn about and share in the inner landscape of being human. So, this year ahead, starting on your birthday, can prove to be one you would most relish travelling. It is going to be all about exploring continents of thought and well-being, diving deep into the hidden springs of the origins of consciousness, and riding high across the mental universe to train your imagination…

Practically speaking, not much of this will translate into the humdrum reality of manifest life. Still, there will be people and conversations, and ideas and cultural movements that will pull and tug at what you do best…. Change, for the better!

For those born on or between 23rd November and 2nd December:
The twelvemonth ahead is a year like no other, perhaps. You can set about to learn anything your heart fancies, provided there is an end date to the course and it has some practical use. These boundaries are essential to contain your energy so that you can fuel up your travel through life. It wouldn’t be great, really, to look back and regret wasted time. So shore up your skills, or learn something rattlingly new, but learn… Enough to have stepped outside your familiar zone and pulled your world open wider. An interesting part of your experiences this year will be the co-regulation in your own mind of thoughts and emotions. Hopefully, they will find a tandem.
Health will benefit from light sports you have not tried earlier, even if you keep it at a beginner’s level.
Finances can improve from wherever is your baseline, with circumspect advice from experts taken and followed.

For those born on or between 3rd December and 12th December:
This year promises to introduce you to a new experience, which is, inspecting and awarding your own achievements with recognition and promotion. It has been long a convention that awards and recognitions be an external validation, and they form a deeply moving experience. But this year, everything that you have achieved, and also everything you have not… will need you to make sense of them and show yourself how your life has evolved because of those experiences. Externally speaking, this may look like celebratory events you set up for yourself, or gifting yourself things you hold dear that you had earlier sacrificed. And internally, perhaps you can now learn to tell yourself that you are the one you had been looking for all along!
Health will benefit from physical exercises that are also deemed recreational, such as dancing, swimming and playing tag!
Finances will be rewarding, without intense excitement.

For those born on or between 13th December and 21st December:
You, of all Sagittarians, are most likely to resist an internal journey, with your finely honed sense of practical responsibility in action. However, if you can allow yourself this flow, then this year ahead can prove to be the one that deepened and widened your abilities. You work hard at being trustworthy, yourself. Offer some of that worth to your life, and you can be pleasantly surprised to find your life works just as hard to gain your trust. If it helps your practical sense, find a mentor, teacher or guide you can respect and engage with them. Learn what they teach, whether or not it makes immediately applicable sense to you. The gift of this activity will be progressively revealed.
Health will benefit from conventional physical exercise routines in moderation, and some healthy conversations with knowledgeable people.
Finances are predictable and can remain stable and a resource.

How does it get better than that!!!

SCORPIO: Rising Over And Above!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Scorpio…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

If ever there was a time when you are being coaxed, nudged, even challenged to better your benchmarks, it is this twelvemonth, dear Scorpio! You now have to answer yourself as to the reasons that hold you back, the fears that block your way… Why are they? Of course, those of you that have seen a significant amount of life, it is possible now for you to beat yourself at your own game. And win! For others of you who are still experimenting, know that sometimes, abilities and limitations point to inflexibilities in our own mind. The year starting on your birthday promises you an intense ride, with great and good chances of emerging a winner, at least in your own eyes. Even if we bring that optimism down a notch or dozen, this year will still prove to be the one where you found a mission and a purpose!

For those born on or between 23rd October and 1st November:
The year starting now holds promise of being quite supportive for you. At this time, you can develop whatever structure is necessary for you to maintain a healthy cadence to all aspects of your life. While this will be easier done at work, profession or self-expression, it may raise questions in your mind in relationship matters. However, remembering that structure is essential for growth, and then moving through the effort needed in relationships, will show you much more gain than you expect. Aspects of life can appear conflicting, but having a structure can make everything seem purposeful.
Health will benefit from setting goals for the specific purpose of improving health and then working on achieving them.
Finances are fairly good, even when not as you expect.

For those born on or between 2nd November and 12th November:
The upcoming twelvemonth is a time for you to go back to your drawing board to build again on your vision for the future. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to turn all your plans and goals to the most pragmatic structure possible. How, then, can success be too far away! It may take you some doing to step back from pushing ahead, but for certain things, it will be a good idea. Renewed effort is now better than repeated effort. Sure, this will be easier in matters of work, profession, training and self-expression, than in matters of relationships. But that, too, is possible with a little bit of humble pie.
Health will benefit by toning down and making mild all tendencies of excess, as well as having routine physical exercise.
Finances are fair and stable enough, provided you don’t make long-term large investments or spends, now.

For those born on or between 13th November and 22nd November:
The year starting on your birthday promises to be a most interesting and possibly, entertaining one for you, of all Scorpios. There will be surprises along the way, in most areas of your life. However, there will be last moment saves and saviours abound, in case those surprises skid off the pleasant track. As for you, it would be splendid if you can realise and explore the tremendous resource of friends and well-wishers that you have, if not in quantity, then certainly in quality. This is a year of being part of larger pictures and realising the potential held in belonging. Of all Scorpios, you will have the best time in relationships.
Health will benefit from honouring your limits and building capacities at a slow pace.
Finances are good, with scope of incremental gains.

How does it get better than that!

LIBRA: Beyond Boundaries…!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Libra…!!!

Happy Birth Anniversary!

The energies now on offer for you are about engendering relevant changes, taking actions that move you closer to your goals and willingness to make the effort to reach your chosen pinnacle. Of course, we are assuming that your goals are chosen. At least, some are. This is such a good year to go for what you want, that it would be terrific if you have them already determined. Also, a plan of action is your most helpful ally now. Have all the plans you need in place, and start taking action on them. You can tweak them as necessary, as you go along. This is a year where every effort you make will have an outcome directly linked to the purpose, whether short-term or long. So, the most awesome gift you can give yourself is to do your best. It can only result in good!

For those born on or between 23rd September and 2nd October:
This year may bring for you the energy of that well-meaning, insistent friend who wants you to enjoy the success you envisage for yourself. You will be pushed, poked and prodded to start taking steps. It is not necessary anymore to perfect the plan. It is, however, a good time to action whatever plan you have, trusting that it is good enough, because you are sensible enough. As proactive you can be, the more encouraging would your environment be. If you feel nervous or reluctant, seek out help wherever you may have it, but do not tarry now.
Health will benefit from having a variety of exercises and physical movements that set your heart happily pumping. Diet deserves moderation.
Finances will require close monitoring and suave managing.

For those born on or between 3rd October and 12th October:
This year will encourage you to finish those projects that have taken up enough time and energy up till now. It is important to recognise that some things have the life they have, not the one we desire of them. And as you close chapters, there are new ones waiting in the wings. Be decisive. If needed, you will have the wherewithal to correct your steps as you move forward. This year you will be privy to learning the importance of life experiences as resource for information. Theoretical knowledge can only work with practical refining processes in place. Dip into your ability to do the right thing and move ahead with determination. What may appear as failure at any step is actually an opportunity to do things differently.
Health will benefit from raising the bar at your physical exercise routine.
Finances will require patient and neutral handling.

For those born on or between 13th October and 22nd October:
This year can help you build your trust in yourself that you are capable of much more than you currently think yourself to be. Sometimes, we need to be hurried along, and at other times, we need to stop to catch our breath. All of life oscillates between these two cycles, irrespective of our personal rhythmic preferences. Hurry along, now, or be prepared to be encouraged to do so by your circumstances. It is alright to make mistakes because you can rectify them, but you will find that it is not alright at this moment of your life to procrastinate. Keep going, keep moving, keep walking, and you will be glad that you did so now.
Health will benefit from a judicious mix of physical activity and mindfulness practices.
Finances will be fairly stable, keeping in mind that this is a time for low-risk ventures.

How does it get better than that!!!

VIRGO: Watch Me Anew!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Virgo…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

The next twelve months are going to provide you with opportunities to shake up old stasis for the sake of something new. Is that exciting, or what!
The understanding crucial to keep at the back of your mind is that there needs to be something else that you want to bring into your game. Shaking for the sake of just, well, disruption, or to alleviate boredom is best left up to not-Virgo. So, perhaps, this year is best suited to bring into being all those long-term plans you had pushed on to the back-burner, and indeed, I am sure there are quite a few.
Especially, if things are going as you have worked hard to make them go, and there is nothing else for you to do except maintain smooth running, then it is time now to take the next brave step forward. Side-effects of disruption are not to be mistaken for disaster. You are brave!

For those born on or between 22nd August and 1st September:
This year promises to bring up for you the results of much of your earlier, long-term, dedicated hard work. And along with that, open up newer avenues. This would be most visible at your career, whatever you are doing… though other aspects of your life will also show signs of culmination, and an opening to further change. It would be a good idea to find a mentor now, even a temporary one, to boost your sense of stability.
Health will benefit from making distinct and planned changes to your routine with advice from experts.
Finances will face some new investment requirements, so planned change is good.

For those born on or between 2nd September and 11th September:
In many ways, you have been waiting for this year and all its promises to fructify. Perhaps, you are as prepared for change and new introductions to fresh stories as anyone can be. Your criteria of suitability will be met, whatever the project it is that you now pick up. Since you are a long-term player, you only have to make sure that it is a new goal that will take years to mature. Try not to indulge in fear of future, and consult relevant experts when in doubt.
Health will benefit from trying new exercises and foods, within tolerable limits and with advice from reliable experts.
Finances will be good, though circumspection is necessary.

For those born on or between 12th September and 22nd September:
The next twelve months bring in major shifts, or at least, quite impactful ones. Since this is across all aspects of life, nothing will be too large to handle. Possibly, the year will roll by with uncharacteristic vigour, and you will only notice the changes in retrospect. So, if you have projects and stuff that are already keeping you busy, keep going hard at the ones that seem near completion. They will be quite fruitful. It might help to stay with the collective and not try to push ahead alone. It is also alright to step away from the confusing ones. They are not important right now.
Health will benefit from new and conscientious routines of exercise and diet.
Finances will be stable enough, with guidance from experts.

How does it get better than that!!!

LEO: On The Edge Of New!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Leo…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

The next twelve months will take you through situations of newness, uniqueness and unexpected opportunities. Let’s peg the key at ‘unknown’ and ‘unexpected’. You will certainly not see them coming. If and when you see them, they have already arrived, and are awaiting your response. What shall it be? Since it is not known, you may find your response to any newness or uniqueness that you observe is likewise. Are you ready to be surprised? Then, the going could also be an adventure. If you prefer a certain amount of predictability, then know right away that the choice to dance with the stranger is yours. While you won’t lose anything by not engaging, there just might be new vistas, if you would just take that chance. Interesting? Yes! Challenging? Also, yes…

For those born on or between 22nd July and 1st August:
The year ahead can be challenging, and so, can encourage you to widen your horizons. Perhaps, the time has come to do that. You do appreciate a sense of structure, with which you can play around. So, at first, it is OK to use your practiced perspectives to assess opportunities. However, now is also the time to experiment and try on new points of view for size. Something new will fit you like a glove, will make you a new person, and encourage you to step into a different, and possibly more hopeful world. Assuredly, it is not imperative that you do so. No harm will come to you if you choose not to explore any newness.
Health will benefit from adopting ease and flexibility, of both mind and body, into your familiar routine.
Finance will need careful and steady handling. Don’t take any chance, here.

For those born on or between 2nd August and 11th August:
The year ahead will be exciting for you, inasmuch as you are able to grasp the edges of newness and ride with it. You have the ability to explore related and progressive ideas. That will be very helpful now as you identify the battles worth putting your energy behind. However, there will be some opportunities that you will recognise as such after they have passed. That would be a good moment to check the boundaries of your beliefs and ideas to see whether you would like to learn something new, different and yes, humbling. All in all, a year that introduces you to new friends…
Health will benefit from learning and applying moderation, across the board.
Finances will require careful handling and no spontaneity whatsoever.

For those born on or between 12th August and 21st August:
The year coming up will offer numerous opportunities to learn how you operate with opportunities, given your nature. You are oriented to take action once a goal is visible. In fact, activity could be tied to your sense of esteem. Then, how would you plan your course of action for goals that are not identifiable or are invisible? In practical life, these are the goals that appear as generalised or generic. That is fine enough if you would want such a thing. It would just need more patience and possibly, a support system along the way. Nothing you want can truly be beyond achieving. And of course, it is not necessary to chase every dream right away.
Health will benefit from alternating intensity with restful periods, at work, pleasure or routine.
Finances will need you to maintain a stance of care and frugality.

How does it get better than that!!!

CANCER: Here Comes The Sovereign!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Cancer…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

Everything you lead this year, everything for which you hold yourself rationally accountable, is likely to bring you to a place of greater growth. There will be plenty of action in general. In the context of wherever you personally engage, you will have the opportunity to make the action count. Not every plan is a project, and not every project is nearing completion, but those that are, if you need a boost of good fortune in them, you can summon it by showing up in your full capacity. Life will meet you where you are!

For those born on or between 21st June and 1st July:
The next twelve months will be about harmonizing your efforts with those of others who are in the same space. This will be mostly visible at work, in your professional capacity, or at the occupation where you spend most of your time. Your success will largely depend upon how rational you can keep your expectations. It may not be easy, but it will be simple. And in the bargain, you will meet some new and interesting people!
Health will benefit from new and tailored activities that specifically address betterment of health.
Finances will be good, and proportionate to the effort you can assign.

For those born on or between 2nd July and 11th July:
The year ahead will bring you across numerous opportunities and projects, and along with them, diverse people. New and better experiences are a certainty. It would also be of benefit if you could focus on consolidating your energies into garnering leadership roles. You may or may not get to lead, depending on various other factors, but you will certainly be noticed and accounted for. A busy and fruitful year it is, with the productive index dependent on you.
Health will benefit from moderation in all aspects, at work and play.
Finances will be good, with a few lucky breaks, and with circumspection, as well.

For those born on or between 12th July and 21st July:
This year, you will be thrust into leadership roles, whether at work or in your personal life, and whether you think you want it, or not. It is going to be a worthwhile and productive experience, though. Also, it would be an excellent opportunity for you to figure out what you would do differently than what has been the norm till now. A learning graph, of course, but bringing with it a large measure of success, especially professionally. This might be the correct time for you to figure what reluctance actually means, when success at the end of effort can be had for the asking.
Health will benefit from a judicious mix of physical exercise and leisure.
Finances are good and stable. You may want to hold off big-ticket investments.

How does it get better than that!!!

GEMINI: Newly Sprung, Well Done!!!

Mundane Tarot update for the year ahead for Gemini…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

For many of you, life has brought you to the home run of wherever you are, at the moment. A lot of things are heading towards completion, and some, towards fruition. Some of you have recently experienced a slowing down of life activities, not very much to you liking. However, this year will offer you some moments of retrospection and you will be pleasantly pleased with your journey so far. Granted, life is plodding along at a pace slower than you can manage, but manage you will. You have an innate ability to find great things to ponder upon, and this has served you well. Moving forward, this year, your ability to collect information will offer you the opportunity to bring closures and completion matching your style. Allow things to end, that seem to be ending. Beginnings are waiting!

For those born on or between 21st May and 31st May:
This year promises to exemplify pragmatism to you at every turn, and it is a good thing. The benefits are long-term. In the short term, such as, over the next twelve months, it would serve you well to observe events that happen differently to your expectations. A wealth of information is available to you through such observation, especially if that prods you to tweak your own understanding of your life.
Health will benefit from everything routine, structured and goal-oriented.
Finances will be fairly stable, with effort from you to maintain stability.

For those born on or between 1st June and 10th June:
This year will help you along the paths of all actions that are pre-planned. You do the planning, sorting, categorising and analysing of information, and you will receive from the universe a surge of energy that will help you accomplish your goals for the year. If this sounds good to you, then set goals, and have at least some steps that you can achieve in the time-frame of the next twelve months. If you make the effort to have clarity to begin with, there is hardly anything that can go wrong.
Health will benefit from variety within set boundaries of routine activities.
Finance will be stable enough, and requiring you to increase attempts at saving money.

For those born on or between 11th June and 20th June:
This year can, in retrospect, appear to be the year that changed your life! With such a powerful energy offering itself to you as a resource, it would be a fantastic opportunity to indeed aim for that change that will give your life new meaning. Granted, everything could be going well enough for you to not want to rock the boat. However, things can always be better, or different and better. Look around, stir up a few ideas, check with a few dreams, and have a go at it. You don’t have to achieve everything in the next twelve months. After all, goals have their own and varied time-line. However, the impetus that you will receive this year can border on the miraculous.
Health will benefit from some interventions for behaviour and emotions.
Finances will be good, and can improve with focussed action for it.

How does it get better than that!!!

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