Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 23rd to 29th September, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 23rd to 29th September, 2018…

“Just as much and in the direction your efforts have been, will be the results you see now. Hence, what you now experience this week will show you the pure fact of your efforts, not your expectations or wishful thinking. This has the potential for a great surge forward, if we are honest with ourselves. Are we…?”

And if it is your birthday on or between 23rd and 29th September….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“This year, step up and take charge of everything in which you hold an interest. Engage, be proactive, and don’t hesitate to show up where you feel you are involved. Of course, be aware and stick within your boundaries, but do not step back from owning your feelings.
Health will benefit from moderation in all things, and bringing some frugality if there are excesses.
Finances will be good, and very good, with wise application and care.”

How does it get better than that!!!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 9th to 15th September, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 9th to 15th September, 2018… 

“In order to show up what you have achieved to earn the acknowledgement for your hard work, you have to have a goal, work at it, perhaps tweak the processes along the way, work at it some more, endure being the only one who supports you, complete the path, make sure your goal has been achieved…. and then take it out to the world to find your place in the sun!
This week, it is time for you to check whether you are ready yet for the acclaim.”

And if it is your birthday on or between 9th and 15th September…. 
Happy Birth Anniversary!!!
“This is a wonderful year, of beginnings, with opportunities to make corrections if necessary, right at the beginning! Your ability to relate to others and understand the world around you is highlighted. This is a good time to check and rebuild the relationship you have with yourself.
Health will benefit from moderation and balance of all necessary aspects of your life, and from identifying and discarding the unnecessary. 
Finances will have a tendency to improve, with your taking proactive steps.”

How…. does it get better than that!!!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 2nd to 8th September, 2018…..

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 2nd to 8th September, 2018… 

“A good time to begin planning and organising, designing and setting up the channels for your idea to now be manifested in its real and relevant form.
The cue is in “Begin”…. the end-product is yet some way away. Patience, observation, learning, willingness to go the way…. are all going to be your companions now. Welcome them, take their help and blossom.

And if it is your birthday on or between 2nd and 8th September….

Happy Birth Anniversary! 
“The coming year is a good time to reconnect with your root of guidance, learning and ideating. Possibly, you will enjoy looking up mentors, guides and wayshowers from your past. It is also likely that you will want to redo some of your ongoing projects. It will not be necessary to redo them completely; your urge is just to refresh your connection with your original intention behind starting the project.
Health will benefit from balance and pacing yourself with your inner rhythm. Redo your regular diet to match your most comfortable lifestyle.
Finance will be better with meticulous planning around expenditure and regular saving.”

How does it get better than that!!!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 26th August to 1st September, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 26th August to 1st September, 2018… 

“It is good to want to do your own thing. It is better to sometimes study what others have already established before you, concerning the same idea, so that you can be empowered and better educated. There is no shame in standing on the shoulders of giants…
Let your movement be about a collective forward surge, rather than an individual rebelliousness.”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 26th August and 1st September….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“Your year ahead is of new beginnings…. of the gentle, subliminal, surreptitious kind! Think relationships, think relating and understanding at the level of feelings, passions and emotions… You may start new relationships, be it with your long-standing, existing significant others, or brand new people, or be it with your work and study, and perhaps with yourself. The bottom line is being sure of what you want, and then build as though new, from there onwards. Remain aware that this is a beginning, so it will be nebulous, sometimes delicate and unsure, and at other times, tentative. 
Health will benefit from treating it anew in terms of exercise, diet and relaxation. 
Finances are set to improve.”

How does it get better than that!!!!


Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 19th to 25th August, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 19th to 25th August, 2018….. 

“Sometimes, we are able to choose a path right at the inception, and go down it towards our goal as envisaged. This is such a week, when we can choose, from our experience, through our understanding, the path we think is suitable to reach us to the goal we are aiming for… 
All we need to do is…. Surrender.
Do you have the faith?”

And for those born on or between 19th August and 25th August….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“This year promises much excitement and goodness. Be sure of your commitment to projects, any project, whether personal or professional. That surety will help you make easy the inevitable travails of bringing anything to completion. You will have much fun along the way, so be consistent. 
Health will benefit from all kinds of moderation, whether practised manifestly, or emotionally.
Finances will see growth, as well as spending, so spend on things and experiences that are meaningful to you.”

How does it get better than that!!!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 12th to 18th August, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 12th to 18th August, 2018…. 

“Before taking the next step in moving forward with your project, especially if the step is about involving others, stop and carefully go over your constructs once more. There is something that has not been completed and it could be the one thing that will get your progress upended. This rechecking will feel awful, and like a waste of time… and that is the indication that it is necessary. Do it!”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 12th and 18th August…..

Happy Birth Anniversary! 
“Your year ahead promises the beginning of success. The previous stage is still wrapping up, so practicing patience will be a major help in materialising this success. Health will benefit from wisely upping the cardiovascular exercise quotient. Finances will be stable, and improving. Think of investing.”

How does it get better than that!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 5th to 11th August, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 5th to 11th August, 2018… 

“Every idea, belief, thought that you hold in your mind has a purpose. They are your own messengers, telling you what you need to know about your journey through life everyday. Treat them as such; understand of what they make you capable, and from what they hold you back. You can change them, but it is not a whimsy…”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 5th and 11th August….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“The year ahead holds good luck, proportionate to the amount of responsibility you take for your emotions. It is a common behaviour to assume our emotions as a source of information; now is the time to check whether this behaviour serves you. Relationships will be important, so check the foundation on which you will build new ones or grow old ones. Health will benefit from walking in nature and mindfulness of body. Finances will be good.”

How does it get better than that!!!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 29th July to 4th August, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week 29th July to 4th August, 2018…

“If you hurry, you will reach late… 
It is significant now to ask yourself why you are nurturing this sense of urgency….
Where do you want to reach? Where you now are is a step along the way, so why hurry?
Who do you want to defeat? If you want what another has, you will get your own… why that one?
And certainly, if you want to have the last say… did you know? You actually want to unburden yourself of a pain by casting it elsewhere. Will speaking sharply relieve you?
Slow down, ask, question… only your own self.”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 29th July and 4th August….
Happy Birth Anniversary!!! 

“This year will be exciting, and yet reminding you to occasionally step back and make sure you have completed laying your building blocks correctly. Often, you will have opportunities to check your faith. Your health will benefit hugely from starting a health-care routine with expert counsel and advice. And this will reflect in every sphere of your life…. The more open you are to accepting advice from those who really know better, the more you will be able to hold centre-stage, this year! Financially, you will be stable enough, though surprises will happen. Nothing to worry about, though.”

How does it get better than that!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 22nd to 28th July, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 22nd to 28th July, 2018… 

“Sometimes, making the impossible possible is just one deep breath and a small step…
This week, love yourself. Look at every experience you go through with a kind, forgiving gaze. Hold your own hand. Walk gently with you. Your ability to feel makes you who you are, and that’s awesome. So respect and honour your feelings, firstly by acknowledging that you feel them, and then, by giving yourself permission to feel them from the bottom of your heart. There is nothing wrong with you. There is everything right with you.”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 22nd and 28th July….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“This is a year of reckoning, so foremost, slow down. Everything you have already achieved is all very good, but now you have an inner urge to re-look at all. And also, perhaps, try to re-do some. In matters of relationships, you may experience newness. In creativity, you may want to fix things not broken, so be more discerning. In matters of health, home and finances, you may want to push at your limits; do so with care. It will be your beliefs and ideologies which actually will need a good spring-cleaning!”

How does it get better than that!

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 15th to 21st July, 2018…

Mundane Tarot Guidance for the week of 15th to 21st July, 2018… 

“Take a large and distinct step back from struggling with how things ought to be….
And it will be good. Breathe, and observe… see things for how they are. And that is the sight that will inform your actions. Know that there will always be things that will make you uncomfortable, and those that will be comfortable. This gauging through the perspective of comfort is not the game. Instead, observe what the discomfort is asking you to change within you. 
Yes, you can change yourself… small observations at a time.”

And if it is your birthday this week, on or between 15th and 21st July….
Happy Birth Anniversary! 

“This is a good year to recognise all that is fulfilled in your life. You may or may not agree with their appearances, but there are plenty of things right now which actually signify a culmination of what you have been wanting. Enjoy them for what they are, and sure, go ahead and set new dreams. That is life in its living!
Health will benefit form increasing the vigour of physical exercises, whatever you practice.
Finances will be good; perhaps, you will now have some excellent investment ideas that you can put in motion.”

How does it get better than that!

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