PISCES: It Was You All Along!

Mundane Tarot update for Pisces for the year ahead…

Happy Birth Anniversary!!!

You are stepping into a twelve-month period of realisation of opportunities. This is exciting, and also a tad challenging for you. While you are indeed imaginative and can project into an improved future, you may find making things relevant in real time tedious, to say the least. However, at this moment in time, you stand on the brink of taking every skill you have learnt leading the routine life, into visions you have for your future, and making them become real. You just have to focus on the relevance of your ideas in the present moment, and the resources that are currently available. You would be surprised how pleasant it can be to watch your dreams taking material shape, and witness the joy they potentially hold!

For those born on or between 19th February and 29th February:
The year ahead promises a whole lot of actualisation to you. If you decide to show up for this part of the event, then there are two points you need to keep in mind and deal with. First, you might want to check and cross check whether you know enough to take any step which seems even slightly off-beat and bold in your opinion. The news just in is that you do know enough for this moment. You can take your steps and anything else you need to know, you will come to know through the process of doing. Second, you may doubt the veracity of the visions over which your attention hovers, and instead, you may want to choose the ideas that seem more realistic or probable. The news in for this is that your attention is the choosing process, and not a checklist. So go for those visions that attract your attention.
Health will benefit from picking up activities just one step outside your comfort zone.
Finances will be good, even when you doubt it.

For those born on or between 1st March and 10th March:
This year will offer you a long moment of validating everything you have learnt and gleaned from your life so far. Go ahead and interpret all coming moments with your own wisdom. Not only will you be quite on the mark, you will also feel inspired enough to take your understanding forward into applicability in chosen visions. Here is the gateway… choose those visions which seem to encourage and attract you. Trust that it is your preparedness that is vibrating, and not just optimism. A year such as this asks you to trust that you belong in this world and all your points of view are valid. Step up, on step at a time. It is now correct to claim a place in the sun for yourself.
Health will benefit from a moderate increase in routine cardiovascular exercises.
Finances will be good and can become better, with circumspect steps.

For those born on or between 11th March and 20th March:
This year holds the potential for realisation of many of your goals. You have already put in some work, and you are ready. The process and path of reaching goals are now clearly visible to you. What may surprise you, though, is directly experiencing that sometimes, goals are reached only through merit and tenacity. On these occasions, luck does not play any role, and success is equivalent to outcome. The non-physical world is, then, telling you that you are worthy and you deserve success. With this opportunity resting in your mind, go for whatever it is that you desire. Don’t slack off in your efforts, and don’t lose optimism. Currently, there is hardly any person better placed than you are. What doesn’t happen is on a different time-graph.
Health will benefit from consciously engaging with your routine healthcare programme.
Finances are fairly good and stable enough, if you are not impulsive.

How does it get better than that!

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