The Cosmic Dance of the Twin Flames

The Cosmic Dance of the Twin Flames.

Straight from the heart…. from Judith Kusel…!!!

40 Days of Self-Love!!!


Kim is doing it …. here!

And Tracie is doing it…. here!!

And, by Jove! Am I doing it!!!!
I am doing it right here… where you are, right now!

FORTY DAYS…. of self-love….!! Of, by golly…. SELF-LOVE!
And the way we are wired, at the end of these forty days, we will be LOVE! If we already are not….!

So here is how it works…
Forty days… of you doing, making committing at least one act of love for your own self… just the way you like it.
Many of us make attempts and sink away, and some of us just dream.
Well, here is your chance, with all of us holding hands and cheering us on….
STARTING JUNE 8th…. everyday, for forty days, do at one thing solely for yourself, and let us know….
On social media, on my blog, on Tracie’s… or Kim’s… or on your own blog. Start whenever, yet start… and carry on, with us!! It could be a small gesture, or a big one, a bit of indulgence, a treat, or a promise fulfilled…. It will be for your own self, called To Me, With Love!
I am going to set aside a couple of time-segments in the day, starting tomorrow, to commit to the cosmos two conscious acts of self-love. And I am going to blog about it and share it on my profile and page on Facebook, as well as Twitter….
What about you?

Setting me on my free way….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The sun was still below the horizon, the orange and pink tint in the sky not yet reflected in the grey and black water. He reached the top of the hill and stopped, the ground falling away at his feet in a gentle slope, soft and damp, until it reached the sand. It was still cold from the night, the breeze lifting the tiny hairs on the nape of his neck. He felt the hairs on his bare arms prickling. He loved this time. It was quiet. The stirring birds, the runners on the beach near the waves, were all part of a peaceful picture.

He looked down at the runners. Why did they wake so early? Had they all had nightmares all night? Was that man with the huge dog running so fast to escape from a terrible night? Was he scared? Did he ever look behind him to…

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What a heart-warming initiative!!!!
Thank you, BodhiMoments!


Let us not get into what is good or bad. Let us just agree that good is good, because we know it to be so.

One thing that is admitted as being good world wide is or working towards achieving peace. We have Nobel Prizes being awarded to those who fight(?) for peace. And we salute those who go to war on those who would threaten our right to peace. But peace in the outer, larger domain, is very different from peace within. Or, is it? Since the 1970s, there have been scientific studies to discover and show that inner peace achieved through meditation can reduce levels of crime in urban cities.

Click here to read about The theory and the effect

Click here to read about The 1993 experiment:

I am not a fan of procedure, or joining groups, or following rules and rituals. I do not know Transcendental…

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About Twin Flames….

For those of us who want to know……